2017s One Little Word: Elevate
One Little Word
Every year I get inspired by Elise Gets Crafty's "one little word" for the year. Latest episode here. Elise is an amazing resource to get your creativity on and make a life of it.
This year I chose ELEVATE, it's the first year I have picked one word.
I have been saying I want to do this, I want to do that...then I don't do this or that. 2017 I have to make a change, figure out what I want to do with my life. Family, illustration and health are on the top of my list.
Our 2 year old, Violet, has made life exciting and oh so very interesting. This year she became a little person, toddler is her middle name and she is a feisty little soul. I gained a lot of joy with my immediate family, we have become a stronger unit. When my sister's little girl was diagnosed with a genetic disorder we all took the blow in stride. I designed a site (using squarespace) explaining IDIC15 and giving our family an open platform to write and post our learnings about IDIC15.
This year I lost my paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother within months of each other. Through the years, they never missed a single event; every single dance recital, every family milestone, every school dance photo shoot, my grandfather even came to my bridal shower, enough said...These two were the glue. These two lived their lives with love and honestly held a lot of people and things together. Once they were gone, some things fell apart. Family can be hard, so many stories, so many different points of view. This year I will focus on those that put the same time and energy into me as I put into them.
My grandmother was a writer, she gave me a silver writing pen when I was about 13 telling me to use it and to keep her writing tradition alive. This year I will ELEVATE my writing skills.
As for my illustrations, I want to hone in on these skills and start reaching out for more paid work. There are a ton of resources out there for aspiring illustrators, I have to start taking advantage of all this knowledge. It's possible, I have to ELEVATE.
I had a pretty big health scare this year after working too hard. My body was run down, I was eating poorly and stress was at a max, these are all toxic and caused me to spend a few days in the hospital. This year I plan on not making some crazy weight-loss goal or health plan, but to eat and exercise in moderation. I will ELEVATE my health so I will be on this earth longer.
Happy New Year! ELEVATE